Terms of ServiceBy ordering any services from Southeast Drone LLC, you agree to the following Terms of Serviceas stated.These terms are subject to change without notice.
CancellationsAll scheduled services require the client to provide a 24 hours notice of cancellation orreschedule before the scheduled appointment. Southeast Drone LLC reserves the right to chargea 100% fee for all cancellations or reschedules made less than 24 hours before appointment time.
Unable to Start ServicesThe client and/or realtor are solely responsible for the preparation and condition of the propertywhere the services are to be performed. If the Southeast Drone LLC Photographer on sitedetermines that the site is not properly prepared; cannot access the property; or that additionalpreparation of the property will delay the photographer, Southeast Drone LLC reserves the right tocancel the appointment and charge a 100% cancellation / reschedule fee.
Property StagingIt is our policy that our photographer not stage or move anything on the property, however ourphotographer will at their own discretion, adjust minor items such as window coverings, pillows,turn lights on, turn fans off as deemed necessary to better capture the scene and move smallitems that may be distracting in the photo. The Realtor and/or property owner needs to walkthrough the entire property to ensure it is ready for our services. This would include ensuring alllights are on and ceiling fans are off. Please review our Property Preparation Checklist to helpwith the preparation of the property before our photographer arrives.
Property ConditionPhotographer will do their best to ensure that all significant aspects of the property arephotographed unless the condition of the aspect has a negative impact on the property. This shallbe left up to the photographer’s discretion, unless specific aspect(s) of the property arespecifically requested by the agent or the property owner. Once the services have been performedfor a property the services cannot longer be cancelled.
Property DefectsOnce the services have been completed on a property, the services may not be canceled. Thephotographer will not retouch images to disguise any known defects and/or physical structuressuch as cracks in wall or driveways, power lines, etc.
Property SafetyThe property owner shall ensure there are no hazards to the photographer’s safety. The propertyowner should remove or supervise pets and ensure they are out of the camera’s view.Photographer may recommend the pets be taken to a different location so the services can becompleted.
QualitySoutheast Drone LLC will provide the client with the highest quality of service and imagespossible. However, the quality is limited to the subject being photographed. If a Realtor orProperty Owners does not properly stage the property it will result in poor quality photography.
Time LimitsOur services are scheduled for a specific amount of time and already include additional time toaccount for possible issues. An extreme overrun of this amount of time may incur an hourly fee of$175/hour if determined to not be the fault of Southeast Drone LLC.
Force MajeureSoutheast Drone LLC is not liable for any service interruption or cancellation due to weather ofForce Majeure.
Rainy DayIf the weather threatens to prevent the services, it is the client’s decision to continue orreschedule. If rain is already present, our photographer can perform all of the services inside andreschedule to return and perform the services outside. Otherwise all of the services can berescheduled to another available time. (No reschedule fees will be assessed based on weather.)
Arrival TimeSoutheast Drone LLC shall notify clients of a late arrival. Although we plan to be on time to everyappointment there are occasions where this is excessive traffic, weather or other factors thatcould cause a delay. We will make every effort to ensure we arrive at our scheduled time.
LiabilitySoutheast Drone LLC is not liable for the failure of income of any services we provide.
Online Availability of ProductSoutheast Drone LLC utilizes third party services for some of our services. Although we havechosen vendors with a high reliability, routine maintenance and server outages are beyond ourcontrol. We assume no responsibility for these outages although we will work to resolve theissues as quickly as possible.
Alterations of final products produced fromour servicesUnless otherwise granted by Southeast Drone LLC, No alterations are approved to be made of anyproduct that is produced based on the services we provide. No use of Photoshop or other editingprograms is permitted on any product by client, property owner, realtor or any other person. Fineswill apply if caught doing so.
Additional FeesAny service requested outside of the planned service may incur a free. This includes additionaltime on site.
Product Turn AroundSoutheast Drone LLC guarantees a 24 – 48 hour turnaround on the final product from the time thephotographer leaves the property. Delivery time could be extended based on a third party delay.
Client CooperationWe will do everything within our control to ensure you receive your finished product on time. Astimes this requires cooperation and information from the client in a timely manner. We assume noresponsibility for delay of final product due to client delays.
Payment PolicySoutheast Drone LLC operates on a fee for service basis, all monies owed are payable uponscheduling of the services. We accept online credit, debit payments and checks. You will receivean emailed invoice within minutes of making your payment.
Copyright NoticeSoutheast Drone LLC retains the copyright for all final services. Southeast Drone LLC reservesthe right to use products produced from our services for promotion of our services on ourwebsite, social media, etc.
Client Final Product RightsWhomever has paid for our services has permission to use the products produced from ourservices on any electronic or printed form of advertisement for the promotion and sale of this property. Our final products cannot be altered after they are received. Our final products cannotbe sold to another Realtor, future homeowner or anyone else. They cannot be used again byanother Realtor who takes over an expired or withdrawn listing. If someone including anotherRealtor would like to use our final product they need to contact us for instructions and payment.Without our approval and payment will result in a copyright infringement / violation. They will beasked to remove our final product from any electronic or printed form and billed for 3 times theoriginal invoice. Continued use and failure to stop will result in legal action.
Further Realtor Final Product Usage RightsYour MLS may claim that by uploading listing photos to the MLS site the agent transfersownership and/or copyright of the photos to the MLS. Court cases have shown this is false. Theagent cannot transfer the ownership and/or copyright because they do not own the copyright.Copyrights can only be transferred via a signed document. MLS services just want to protectthemselves and their members and no one wants to spend the time and money to MLS services tofix their rules as long as they don’t violate the photographer’s copyright. Typically we ignore thefalse claim of the MLS in the area of copyright.Some photographers may not discuss licensing with you. This may be either because theyhaven’t taken the time to or they don’t intend to re-license their final products. In any case pleasedon’t assume that a lack of discussion about ownership means that the agent owns the finalproducts. You must always check with the photographer before giving your final products toanyone.Many real estate photographers expect to license their final products to other parties. Perhaps thestager, the architect, and interior designer or another real estate agent. Please do not give away oruse your final products for anything other than their intended initial use and your license to usethem.Photographers own the final products they create. So when you hire a real estate photographer totake photos and provide other services of a property you are paying for a temporary license forone specific person (the agent or client) to use those final products for a specific purpose(advertise your listing) for a specific length of time (the duration of the listing.)If you do not fully understand or have questions about our terms or service feel free to contact usvia telephone at 678.491.5853 or via email at info@southeast-drone.comSoutheast Drone™, LLC ®Copyright 2019 ©